"Most People Have No Idea What's About To Happen"Richard Wolff's Last WARNING(
January 16, 2025
"Richard D. Wolff is an American economist and professor emeritus at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He is known for his critiques of economic inequality and his advocacy for worker cooperatives as a way to empower individuals and address systemic issues within the economy. Through his books, lectures, and public appearances, Wolff explores topics such as economic democracy and alternative economic models." * * * * *
In the above video, Dr. Wolff provides an easy to digest digest of our history. If this is news to you you are welcome but his analysis is only an overview, the rest of the story is much much worse.
Most of us are aware that filthy rich megalomaniacs call the shots around the world and many of them love to extol the virtues of Capitalism and Democracy. Corporations really run things but they allow stooges to be elected as long as they serve their interests. That's why when leaders get elected that they don't like they get rid of them, via smear campaigns, electoral shenanigans, espionage, military intervention, and/or assassinations.
U.S. leaders are
billionaires who have no interest in sharing their wealth.
The ruling class desires
all the money generated by natural resources to go into their
pockets. Not only has that always been the case in the U.S.A., you can probably name several robber barons without thinking hard, it's why it's been at war for virtually its entire existence. War is a cynical tool used to rape and pillage everywhere on Earth with the consent of a people completely brainwashed by lies and propaganda.
Please read this:
"This short anti-war pamphlet was written by a Major General in the Marines
who was an American military hero, but became disillusioned with the profiteering,
propaganda, and injustice of the military-industrial and intelligence-foreign policy
establishments, and came to oppose American involvement in foreign wars
designed to benefit financial and industrial interests."
Corporations rule and their primary purpose is to accumulate and control assets, typically by exploiting the planet's resources by exploiting people, including their own employees, their consumers, or anyone they can use to their advantage. And they rarely clean up their toxic messes, that's always someone else's problem.
Corporations are as democratic as the military.
How many corporations ask their employees their opinion about what the company does and how they do it? Do indigenous populations get to vote against an oil company that extracts billions and billions of dollars of wealth from under them, leaving their land poisoned and desolate after they finish?
Democracy is not a characteristic of corporations and nothing screams CAPITALISM like a big corporation.
The Western elites often decry the idiocy
and failures of socialist governments, claiming it's a system that
cannot work. So why are they afraid of them. Rather than spending many
trillions of dollars and killing many millions of people, why didn't
they save all that money and all those lives by letting alternatives to
capitalism fail on their own.
My personal opinion is the oligarchs are terrified that a socialist
country might prosper if left in peace. A country that nationalizes it's
resources for instance and uses that revenue to provide services to its
citizens, is a very bad example for Americans to see.
If I were to consider a logical way to live with the best interests of the environment and everything that lives within it, handing over power to cabals of selfish freaks wouldn't be on my list.
Capitalism is not a survival strategy.
Get over it or get ready for it to be over.
When asked, "What's your solution, smart guy?" I simply reply, "Let everyone decide."