Are thought crimes next?
On the Arrest of Richard Medhurst
(Chris Hedges on Substack)
August 25, 2024
"The arrest of the reporter Richard Medhurst, who has been one of the most ardent critics of the genocide in Gaza and Israeli apartheid state, at Heathrow airport is part of the steady march towards the criminalization of journalism, something all of us, including Medhurst, understood lay at the heart of the long persecution of Julian Assange.
Where the “norm” was for police to detain people for questioning under Schedule 7, Medhurst became the first journalist in Britain to be arrested under Section 12 of the draconian Terrorism Act."
JOHN KIRIAKOU: The Slide Into Authoritarianism
(John Kiriakou: Special to Consortium News)
August 27, 2024
"All of us who care about civil liberties, civil rights, human rights and freedom of the press have had a front-row seat lately to a slide toward what can only be described as authoritarianism. The governments of the U.S., U.K. and even Canada have been working hard, sometimes in a coordinated fashion, to silence dissenting voices. The governments’ tactics have been heavy-handed, to say the least."
John Kiriakou is a former C.I.A. counterterrorism officer and a former senior investigator with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. John became the sixth whistleblower indicted by the Obama administration under the Espionage Act—a law designed to punish spies. He served 23 months in prison as a result of his attempts to oppose the Bush administration’s torture program.
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Monday, August 26, 2024
Harris and her empire of lies
All week long, the nation watched as the true base of the Democratic Party – billionaires, celebrities, national security figureheads and “moderate Republicans” – repeatedly assured us that Kamala Harris will be a different kind of president. A president of “joy.”
But I found little room for joy in Harris’ speech Thursday night.
Instead, it revealed a great deal about what we can expect if Kamala Harris becomes president – and none of it is good.
In a speech that could have easily been delivered by Genocide Joe himself, Harris promised to:
Sign Biden’s inhumane, militarized “bipartisan border bill” with 80% of the funding allocated to hardening border security and DOUBLING the number of border patrol agents.
“Ensure America always has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world” with unchecked resources for the Pentagon to continue waging “wars around the world” (to quote our current president).
Unconditionally supply Israel with endless weapons, as she repeated Israel’s discredited propaganda around the October 7th attacks and pointedly ignored the widespread reports of Israeli soldiers using sexual violence, physical and psychological torture against illegally incarcerated Palestinian prisoners.
Harris absurdly claimed that she and Biden are “working around the clock” to secure a ceasefire for Gaza – even as they’ve authorized another $23 BILLION in arms for Israel in August alone.
Now we learn that the Biden-Harris administration has appointed Mira Resnick, perhaps the most hands-on State Department official involved in speedrunning weapons to Israel since October 7th, to replace Andrew Miller – the 1st official to resign in protest over Gaza.
Harris’ empire of lies delivered on Thursday night firmly established that “nothing will fundamentally change.”
Harris made it clear that she intends to continue this reckless path of capitalistic exploitation and global militarism, even fanning the flames with China and Iran as tens of thousands of the party faithful waved signs and shouted “USA! USA!”
I find no “joy” in any of this.
There are material conditions that must be urgently addressed for this country to meet the basic needs of its citizens and take us off this death march into World War III and climate collapse. NONE of those policy solutions were present in Harris’ speech.
Instead we were promised more of the same. And much like Biden before her, that may prove to be the one promise that Kamala Harris keeps.
Harris has shown her true colors, and we have an urgent choice to make this November.
There is only one campaign with a path to the White House this November that will set us on a radically different course – one that will end the genocide in Gaza and implement an immediate arms embargo on Israel.
There is only one campaign with the credibility to address the climate emergency with the urgency it demands. And there is only one campaign with a radically transformative economic vision that will lift millions out of poverty and build a society free of injustice, inequity, hunger, and want.
There is only one campaign that is challenging empire both at home and abroad – ours. In just over two months, we will make our voices heard at the ballot box.
Harris-Trump: Uniparty on the same script
"If it sounds like Democrats and Republicans are reading from the same script, it’s because they both work for the same donors."
(Jill Stein on Youtube)
August 24, 2024
* * * * *
When The Overton Window finally closes, well... an F-Word comes to mind.
Jus sayin.
* The Overton window is the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time. It is also known as the window of discourse.
The term is named after the American policy analyst Joseph Overton, who proposed that an idea's political viability depends mainly on whether it falls within this range, rather than on politicians' individual preferences.
According to Overton, the window frames the range of policies that a politician can recommend without appearing too extreme to gain or keep public office given the climate of public opinion at that time.
** An arrowslit is a narrow vertical aperture in a fortification through which an archer can launch arrows.
Some background:
A Court Ruled Rachel Maddow's Viewers Know She Offers Exaggeration and Opinion, Not Facts
Maddow’s show is different than a typical news segment where anchors inform viewers about the daily news," an Obama-appointed judge ruled.
(Glenn Greenwald)
June 22, 2021
“In an oddly overlooked ruling, an Obama-appointed federal judge, Cynthia Bashant, dismissed the lawsuit on the ground that even Maddow's own audience understands that her show consists of exaggeration, hyperbole, and pure opinion, and therefore would not assume that such outlandish accusations are factually true even when she uses the language of certainty and truth when presenting them (“literally is paid Russian propaganda”).
In concluding that Maddow's statement would be understood even by her own viewers as non-factual, the judge emphasized that what Maddow does in general is not present news but rather hyperbole and exploitation of actual news to serve her liberal activism…”
Democracy in Peril: Twenty Years of Media Consolidation Under the Telecommunications Act
In 1996, President Clinton signed the bill into law. Today, the media industry is donating big to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
(Michael Corcoran at Truthout)
February 11, 2016
“Wall Street’s sinister influence on the political process has, rightly, been a major topic during this presidential campaign. But, history has taught us that the role that the media industry plays in Washington poses a comparable threat to our democracy. Yet, this is a topic rarely discussed by the dominant media, or on the campaign trail.”
* * * * *
Some context:
Mainstream media world wide is owned by about a half dozen major corporations, so basically a few sociopathic billionaires have a strangle hold on almost everything the average person reads, watches, or hears. The American Duopoly, and oddly especially the corporately captured Democratic Party, support censorship of views outside their narrow world view. They are suppressing dissent in the streets and on the web.
Fears of fascism under another Trump administration abound among "Blue No Matter Who" voters but for many outside the party it seems they want to close the barn door after the donkeys and elephants have already burned it down.
America has been waging wars around the world for a long time, almost for its entire existence. What passes for foreign policy for the U.S.A. is perhaps best described in this way: impose crippling and deadly economic sanctions on regular citizens to encourage them to topple governments that the U.S. doesn't control. It always causes devastation, almost never works, and the U.S. unfailingly claims to be the good guys. Add to that brilliant strategy the notion that assassinations as a means of state craft is now considered… a Tuesday?
These crimes against humanity are regularly applauded by mainstream media and especially Rachel Maddow.
Consider the following facts as a thought experiment if you respect Rachel Maddow’s reporting:
Edward Snowden in fulfilling his oath to defend The U.S. Constitution is in exile because he exposed violations of said document by his Security State employers.
Julian Assange revealed U.S. war crimes. There were no consequences for the perpetrators but Assange spent over a decade under arrest and despite his recent release, his life has been destroyed by both Republican and Democratic administrations, ostensibly due to violations of the American Espionage Act despite the fact that he’s an Australian citizen.
Seymour Hersh, who exposed the My Lai massacre, the Watergate scandal, the Abu Ghraib torture, and much much more, is begging for scraps these days from individual donors on Substack.
Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and Middle East expert was fired from the New Your Times for voicing opposition to the disastrous and illegal Iraq war that was based on lies and killed over a million people.
In conclusion:
Rachel Maddow gets paid millions of dollars simply for stating opinions as facts on a major network.
Prop or Not?
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Face it.
This guy perfectly represents our representatives.
Warhawk Senator Bob Menendez Resigns After Being Found Guilty of Taking Bribes to Be a Foreign Agent
(BreakThrough News on Youtube)
Aug 20, 2024
"Senator Bob Menendez just resigned after being found guilty of taking hundreds of thousands of dollars of bribes including gold bars, luxury cars, expensive watches and other gifts to act as a foreign agent of Egypt and Qatar.
It's being called one of the worst corruption scandals in recent congressional memory.
Ironically, he spent most of his career accusing other countries of this type of corruption, and demanding sanctions.
BT's Kei Pritsker reviews the indictment."
* * * * *
One down… the rest to go.
Politicians who make it to Congress are simply paid spokes models for the lobbies and PACS (foreign and domestic) that feed their hunger for wealth and power. Even well-intentioned political figures eventually perform for their masters.
< Insert your clown of choice here. >
The U.S. Constitution prohibits bribes and makes accepting them grounds for removal from public office.
That’s a true but weird fact, since soliciting cash from special interests and big donors is the job description of every single one of our elected officials. Our corrupt ruling class uses euphemisms like soft money to disguise the bribes they thrive on. Since the Citizens United ruling the amount they can receive from anonymous donors is unlimited, resulting in the extraordinary and virtually complete corruption of America’s corporately captured government. The needs and desires of the vast majority of citizens are ignored, belying the farcical notion that 'Murica is in any way a republic or representative democracy.
Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy
(BBC News article that includes a link to the famous Princeton University Study)
If our ruling class weren't comprised of sociopathic war criminals, they'd be a joke.
Our system of inverted totalitarianism also affects influential people outside of politics, such as journalists, entertainers, and activists. The reward for obedience is the potential for ever more fame, wealth, and/or power. Of course, compliance due to stupidity is often a free bonus appreciated by the aristocratic elites.
< Insert your clown of choice here. >
Mainstream media across the board is basically paid-for propaganda. Whether on or offline, it’s the 800-pound gorilla in all our rooms, that facilitates our blind march to oblivion. The so called “Information Age” has become the “Disinformation Age.”
< Insert your favorite fake news here. >
What passes for rational commentary these days is a steady stream of hype and horse shit brought to you by the same monied class that benefits from our toxic political system of quid pro quo.
The news media and entertainment industry have become an effective means of narrative control. The Narrative is The Matrix that has trapped the majority who seem unaware that our “reality” is a bizarre psyop. Knowing the importance to a representative government of a well-educated citizenry, the ruling class has created a mob of arrogantly ignorant partisans who fight each other instead of them. Discussions among friends or family about history and current events has become taboo; it’s almost impossible to have a reasoned debate these days and that’s by design.
Nothing serves the ruling class better than the voluntary suppression of discourse. We all regularly self-censor to keep the peace during social intercourse. That’s a neat trick and a total mind fuck. As my dad used to say, “That’s a sad commentary!” Of course those who don’t self-censor, like independent journalists, become victims of actual censorship. Keeping up with trusted news sources as they struggle against suppression is becoming increasingly difficult. The promise of an open internet is quickly evaporating. I can only imagine how shocked Orwell would be about how thoroughly surveilled and controlled we have become.
Anyone who significantly challenges the status quo whether as a part of the machine or fighting against it, is marginalized or removed all together. Threats to absolute control by the ruling class are dealt with by electoral shenanigans, coordinated smear campaigns, or by any means necessary. And idiots applaud the silencing of the truth tellers. Sure, there’s bullshitters out there, but applauding censorship makes throwing the baby out with the bathwater look like child’s play. Sometimes evil looks brilliant but only because they’re dealing with dupes. Rather than banning an idea, try presenting a more cogent alternative viewpoint using evidence and logic. That’s become a crazy idea these days.
Attempts to discuss current events with folks lost in The Narrative is akin to trying to educate a cultist. Like the so called “Presidential Debates,” discourse is reduced to facile and oft time ludicrous talking points that inevitably lead to arguments and insults. I’ve heard the exact same vacuous arguments repeated by friends and relatives who have no contact with each other. They’re not screaming their well-researched conclusions, they’re parroting the news programs that are programming them.
An easy way to defeat big money in politics is to ignore the politicians receiving it. Piss off the oligarchs and vote for a third party. Demand substantial and substantive changes from anyone before offering to vote for them. That sounds a lot better than rewarding out-of-touch assholes for sticking it to you over and over again with outright lies and empty promises.
If you don't do it for yourself, consider doing the world a favor.
Monday, August 19, 2024
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Ralph Nader’s take on the US 2024 election
(The Take on YouTube)
August 13, 2024
Arguably the most famous third-party candidate in United States election history, Ralph Nader ran for president four times. He tells us why a third-party candidate is so crucial and provides some insight into this year’s race.
* * * * *
Ralph was the best president we never had.
And for all those who wonder why Ralph didn't mention RFK Jr. as a viable alternative, it's because supporting the mass slaughter of civilians to steal natural resources and open up occupied beach front properties for development is a red line for a normal person.
Saturday, August 10, 2024
Is this the end of the American Empire? | Chris Hedges
(Real Talk on Youtube)
"Today on Real Talk, we speak to Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer Prize-winning American journalist and author, about the race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump in the US elections.
We delve into why he believes we are “at the end of empire”, whether Trump or Harris would have different Gaza policies, the rise of Christian nationalism in the US, and his thoughts on Joe Biden’s presidential legacy.
Real Talk is a Middle East Eye interview show hosted by Mohamed Hashem that delves into the stories and experiences of a diverse range of guests."
Thursday, August 8, 2024
Lindsey Graham PUSHING War With Iran
(Sabby Sabs on Youtube)
* * * * *
Lindsey scares the crap out of me!
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
(Geopolitical Economy Report on Youtube)
"The stock market crashed on August 5, in a new "Black Monday". What caused it? Is the USA on the verge of a new financial crisis? Ben Norton is joined by economist Michael Hudson to discuss the extreme volatility, AI / Big Tech bubble, Japanese yen carry trade unwind, Chinese economy, and geopolitical dangers."
* * * * *
The gains in pain mean we're spiraling down the drain.