Face it.
This guy perfectly represents our representatives.
Warhawk Senator Bob Menendez Resigns After Being Found Guilty of Taking Bribes to Be a Foreign Agent
(BreakThrough News on Youtube)
Aug 20, 2024
"Senator Bob Menendez just resigned after being found guilty of taking hundreds of thousands of dollars of bribes including gold bars, luxury cars, expensive watches and other gifts to act as a foreign agent of Egypt and Qatar.
It's being called one of the worst corruption scandals in recent congressional memory.
Ironically, he spent most of his career accusing other countries of this type of corruption, and demanding sanctions.
BT's Kei Pritsker reviews the indictment."
* * * * *
One down… the rest to go.
Politicians who make it to Congress are simply paid spokes models for the lobbies and PACS (foreign and domestic) that feed their hunger for wealth and power. Even well-intentioned political figures eventually perform for their masters.
< Insert your clown of choice here. >
The U.S. Constitution prohibits bribes and makes accepting them grounds for removal from public office.
That’s a true but weird fact, since soliciting cash from special interests and big donors is the job description of every single one of our elected officials. Our corrupt ruling class uses euphemisms like soft money to disguise the bribes they thrive on. Since the Citizens United ruling the amount they can receive from anonymous donors is unlimited, resulting in the extraordinary and virtually complete corruption of America’s corporately captured government. The needs and desires of the vast majority of citizens are ignored, belying the farcical notion that 'Murica is in any way a republic or representative democracy.
Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy
(BBC News article that includes a link to the famous Princeton University Study)
If our ruling class weren't comprised of sociopathic war criminals, they'd be a joke.
Our system of inverted totalitarianism also affects influential people outside of politics, such as journalists, entertainers, and activists. The reward for obedience is the potential for ever more fame, wealth, and/or power. Of course, compliance due to stupidity is often a free bonus appreciated by the aristocratic elites.
< Insert your clown of choice here. >
Mainstream media across the board is basically paid-for propaganda. Whether on or offline, it’s the 800-pound gorilla in all our rooms, that facilitates our blind march to oblivion. The so called “Information Age” has become the “Disinformation Age.”
< Insert your favorite fake news here. >
What passes for rational commentary these days is a steady stream of hype and horse shit brought to you by the same monied class that benefits from our toxic political system of quid pro quo.
The news media and entertainment industry have become an effective means of narrative control. The Narrative is The Matrix that has trapped the majority who seem unaware that our “reality” is a bizarre psyop. Knowing the importance to a representative government of a well-educated citizenry, the ruling class has created a mob of arrogantly ignorant partisans who fight each other instead of them. Discussions among friends or family about history and current events has become taboo; it’s almost impossible to have a reasoned debate these days and that’s by design.
Nothing serves the ruling class better than the voluntary suppression of discourse. We all regularly self-censor to keep the peace during social intercourse. That’s a neat trick and a total mind fuck. As my dad used to say, “That’s a sad commentary!” Of course those who don’t self-censor, like independent journalists, become victims of actual censorship. Keeping up with trusted news sources as they struggle against suppression is becoming increasingly difficult. The promise of an open internet is quickly evaporating. I can only imagine how shocked Orwell would be about how thoroughly surveilled and controlled we have become.
Anyone who significantly challenges the status quo whether as a part of the machine or fighting against it, is marginalized or removed all together. Threats to absolute control by the ruling class are dealt with by electoral shenanigans, coordinated smear campaigns, or by any means necessary. And idiots applaud the silencing of the truth tellers. Sure, there’s bullshitters out there, but applauding censorship makes throwing the baby out with the bathwater look like child’s play. Sometimes evil looks brilliant but only because they’re dealing with dupes. Rather than banning an idea, try presenting a more cogent alternative viewpoint using evidence and logic. That’s become a crazy idea these days.
Attempts to discuss current events with folks lost in The Narrative is akin to trying to educate a cultist. Like the so called “Presidential Debates,” discourse is reduced to facile and oft time ludicrous talking points that inevitably lead to arguments and insults. I’ve heard the exact same vacuous arguments repeated by friends and relatives who have no contact with each other. They’re not screaming their well-researched conclusions, they’re parroting the news programs that are programming them.
An easy way to defeat big money in politics is to ignore the politicians receiving it. Piss off the oligarchs and vote for a third party. Demand substantial and substantive changes from anyone before offering to vote for them. That sounds a lot better than rewarding out-of-touch assholes for sticking it to you over and over again with outright lies and empty promises.
If you don't do it for yourself, consider doing the world a favor.
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