Wednesday, July 12, 2017


The Keiser Report
Every week Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert look at all the scandal behind the financial news headlines.

Few topics are as critical to our every day lives as business and economics, and just as few are so boring and buried in bullshit. Max is among a few that are able to add humor, like a sweetener, to ease the swallowing of bitter financial pills.

(The Keiser Report)
"In this episode of the Keiser Report from Mexico City, Max and Stacy discuss the emergence of ‘oligarchic America’ as Amazon eats Whole Foods. In the second half, Max interviews economist and columnist Alejandro Nadal about Trump’s wall and exiting from the NAFTA trade deal."

Here's another interesting discussion about our unfolding economic nightmare:

(The Big Picture with Thom Hartmann)
"On tonight’s Big Picture, Thom talks with Richard Wolff about the Fed's plan to begin unwinding a stimulus within months. Then, he talks with Bryan Pruitt and Doug Christian about a recent poll that found the majority of GOPers think colleges are bad for America, and that somehow we can afford military jets, but not universal healthcare. Plus, a planned day of action for net-neutrality."

I usually enjoy Thom's interviews, especially with Richard Wolff, but his panel discussions always showcase a conservative pinhead, who is invariably annoying. I wonder if Thom gives them a platform simply to showcase how empty and inept their rhetoric tends to be.

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