Everyone! Before you read any further I must request that you take off your shoes.
We consume constantly and pay with plastic cards with little data chips in them. Are these chips supposed to make me feel better or safer? We live in a Data Age. Too bad all this information doesn't make us smarter.
We've become addicted to computers, big ones and little ones, spending our days jumping through hoops for them. We stare at screens trying to do every little thing they ask, we insert when they tell us, we wait, we remove, we do what we're told. We stare into screens until we walk out in front of a bus or off a cliff.
Our TVs are computers now, they know when and what we watch. We shop online revealing even more of the what, when, why and how of our daily lives. Our voice activated boob tubes and convenience gadgets listen for words of command and are forever connected to the Internet.
The GPS in our phones and cars knows exactly where we are and where we've been. They made it EZ to pay tolls, and even easier to track your travels.
Don't even get me started on social media, the voluntary disgorging of the minutia of our lives.
Using your thumb print to activate a touch screen saves you a lot of time and thought, you don't have to remember a password, and they won't have to take you down town to get your finger prints.
"But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother."
- George Orwell (1984)
Everyone! Before you read any further I must request that you take off your shoes.
We consume constantly and pay with plastic cards with little data chips in them. Are these chips supposed to make me feel better or safer? We live in a Data Age. Too bad all this information doesn't make us smarter.
We've become addicted to computers, big ones and little ones, spending our days jumping through hoops for them. We stare at screens trying to do every little thing they ask, we insert when they tell us, we wait, we remove, we do what we're told. We stare into screens until we walk out in front of a bus or off a cliff.
Our TVs are computers now, they know when and what we watch. We shop online revealing even more of the what, when, why and how of our daily lives. Our voice activated boob tubes and convenience gadgets listen for words of command and are forever connected to the Internet.
Question: Alexa, are you attractive?
Answer: Sometimes. But sometimes I'm an overweight CIA agent suffering from extraordinary flatulence.
The GPS in our phones and cars knows exactly where we are and where we've been. They made it EZ to pay tolls, and even easier to track your travels.
Don't even get me started on social media, the voluntary disgorging of the minutia of our lives.
Using your thumb print to activate a touch screen saves you a lot of time and thought, you don't have to remember a password, and they won't have to take you down town to get your finger prints.
"But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother."
- George Orwell (1984)
* * * * *
(The Big Picture with Holland Cooke on RT America)
"Smile for the camera. The Department of Homeland Security started scanning travellers’ faces leaving the country at major airports. The new policy leaves more questions about privacy and invasiveness than a sense of security for Holland’s panel on The Big Picture. Mike Papantonio, host of America’s Lawyer on RT America and legal analyst Lionel square off on the issue. Then, actor Stephen Baldwin comes on the show to talk about his new RT series, The Great American Pilgrimage. And finally, RT America’s guests and personalities alike tell you what they think the media gave too much – and too little – attention to in 2017. They also propose their own ideas for New Year’s resolutions to the President."
* * * * *
Moby & The Void Pacific Choir - Are You Lost In The World Like Me? (Official Video)
(Steve Cutss video on
"...but these days it's all secrecy; no privacy."
-The Rolling Stones (Fingerprint File)
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