(Dangerous Ideas with Lee Camp on YouTube)
January 24, 2025
"The hidden secrets surrounding a massive U.S. structure in Lebanon."
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Poverty and homelessness is on the rise but Congress funnels, I mean funds, the MIC to the tune of over a trillion unaccountable dollars every year. The "Defense" Department doesn't just fail every audit, it doesn't even come close. All we can be sure of is that most of those dollars go directly into the pockets of merchants of death.
Imagine if we all could check boxes on our tax forms to allocate where trillions of dollars go... or don't go. Or better yet, imagine our ruling class using our fiat currency to benefit their constituents and to help spread peace and health throughout the world. Imagine how safe we would all feel if the populations of the world loved instead of feared us.
Ever wonder why we can spend billions and billions and billions of dollars toppling governments and stealing resources, but somehow we can't afford social safety nets. Do our Senators lament that there just isn't enough money to wage war? Does our state media ever wonder how we are going to pay for war?
Those questions were rhetorical.
Killing millions of people and creating chaos around the globe isn't making anyone safer, but it is making a few people inconceivably wealthy.
The US Dollar has been used as a bludgeon to punish countries that do not bow to our industrial and ideological whims for many decades. America's appalling foreign policies have given rise to a coordinated global community of resistance known as BRICS and its membership is growing.
Instead of being a despised empire the U.S.A. could be a beloved global benefactor. But you know, oligarch's gonna oligarch.
If you're proud to be an American, you're an oligarch or a dupe, or both.
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