Friday, January 31, 2025


US Media Promotes Military Intervention In Venezuela
(Francisco Dominguez & Roger D. Harris at Popular
January 26, 2025

"The New York Times, the so-called US “newspaper of record,” carried an opinion piece by one of its columnists promoting “military intervention” to promote “democracy” by overturning the democratically elected government of Venezuela.

The central tenet of the NYT piece is that the moral basis for deposing the current president is clear because it claims that he stole the election, terrorizes his opponents, and brutalizes his people with no sign of letting up, much less letting go. Every other option for political change, it contends, has been attempted. Not only that, but Venezuela maintains friendly relations with “our enemies” such as China, Russia, and Iran.

We deconstruct this appeal for illegal regime change. For us solidarity activists, Venezuela is an independent country, totally entitled to find its own way of development to benefit its people. The US may be the hemispheric hegemon, but it does not have the legal and even less the moral right to determine who should rule another country..."

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Democracy is anathema to The American Empire, especially in those rare occasions when it appears to be working. The notion that the swamp creatures dwelling in D.C. are interested in anything other than stealing the natural resources of Venezuela is beyond laughable.

Boycott The New Yoink Times, the newspaper of wrecktards.

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