Candace Owens Thinks Dinosaurs Are What?
(SciManDan on YouTube)
January 14, 2025
"On a recent podcast, Candace Owens discusses the moon landing and dinosaurs.
It does not go well.
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I became aware of the existence of this... personality? ... commentator? ...pundant? ...idiot? when she began appearing in recent clips on political websites.
That she makes actual money by expressing her views is further evidence that the corporate media's primary mission is maintaining a clueless society.
Spreading stupid is far more richly rewarded than educating the electorate.
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I used to wonder if corporate pundits pretended to be stupid or did they simply crave fame and fortune and the opportunity to spread propaganda for their chosen ideology.
The evidence is mounting that genuine idiots float to the top of the information cesspool because unbiased expertise disqualifies you for a high-paying job in our government and its media. An educated electorate is the last thing our overlords want, right after honest work.
In the U.S. if you’re allowed to speak freely you’re probably not saying anything worth hearing. Being deaf to suffering, dumb regarding threats to our existence, and blind to objective reality, seems to be the key to success these days. Idiocracy indeed!
The ‘Candunce’ interview broken down in the video above broke my brain. I wouldn’t know who she was if otherwise decent folks didn’t platform her by showing clips of her mouth making noises. I'm just about finished watching dumb asses get debunked, even when commentators I like take time out to ridicule establishment hacks. The list of media personalities, comics, actors, and anchors I won't watch again is getting very long!
Great journalist are dying off and the independents carrying the torch are under threat. Most genuine journalists struggle to maintain a livelihood, they're suppressed, imprisoned, and even assassinated. Everyone should consider boycotting mainstream media and support independent journalism instead.
Boycott The Duopoly!
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