There’s an old fairy tale about a dude back in the before times who, while vacationing in paradise, poached a fruit that imparted to him the knowledge of both good and evil.
[ed. note: I’ve always wondered why he could be blamed for doing something wrong if he was never taught the difference in the first place.]
So, this free lunch got him and his girlfriend kicked out of the resort and amazingly it also caused everyone ever since to suffer and die, and also wear clothes all the time. I know it’s just a story but it’s as good a reason as any to avoid Smart Water.
Some blame his girlfriend for talking him into it but these same folk often extol the virtues of taking responsibility for your actions. They don’t appear to accept the ‘I was only following orders’ excuse. But in a bizarre twist many of the super fans and cosplayers seem to be OK with hereditary guilt, the one sin to rule them all. So we’re supposed to take responsibility for someone else’s actions, too. Wow!
And there’s even others who say if you eat tiny pieces of mystery bread every weekend it helps cure you of that original food poisoning that you probably never had because you can’t afford a vacation in paradise. The details are fuzzy and frankly get a bit creepy. Blah, blah, blah.
Anyway, it’s a cool story but most people are missing the point.
Knowledge is another word for intelligence, which is by its nature neither good nor evil, but seems to be associated with most human suffering, e.g. the slave trade, economic wars, and Lunchables. Almost every invention, the fruit of our intelligence, is twisted into something that causes more evil than good. If you're confused consult Siri.
We’ve all become victims of knowledge, not because we know and learn things but because in aggregate our species inevitably uses knowledge to screw each other over.
Imagine how beautiful this planet would be if we weren’t such Great Apes.
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